The final validation workshop which supports the development of a National Export Strategy for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines will take place at the Grenadine House from Monday, February 10, 2020 and climax on Thursday, February 13, 2020.
The first three days of the workshop will focus on specific sectors and culminate on day four with representatives of the Project Steering Committee from all the priority sectors.
Monday 10th – will focus on Agriculture, Fisheries and Cannabis
Tuesday 11th – will focus on Travel and Tourism, Craft an Cottage Industry Light Manufacturing
Wednesday 12th – will focus on Services Other than Tourism
Thursday 13th – will focus on the way forward
The sessions will be conducted by Trade Development Experts: Mr. Andrea`Serpagli and Mr. Michael Seepersaud of Consultancy Firm PRYMSA.
The consultancy to develop a National Export Strategy was launched in July, 2019, with the support of TradeComm II – ACP Trade Capacity Building Programme. The main objective of the National Export Strategy is to revitalize the country’s performance through its smooth and gradual integration into the regional and global economy.
SOURCE: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Commerce